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Resculpting Miracle Microcurrent Facial

60 min        $275


We are pleased to announce that we are offering microcurrent  resculpting facials performed with technology that is the most advanced and effective available today. The miraculous Myopulse offers cutting edge non-surgical anti-aging treatment to re-contour your face and lift facial muscles back to their youthful condition. As a bonus the procedure is very soothing you’ll feel as if you’ve reached the ultimate state of “zen” (deep relaxation with a clear mind).

What you will experience: after cleansing the skin with various exceptional botanical products the treatment begins with your hand resting on a smooth metal plate while your face receives a wonderful massage by the Esthetician who is using a smooth metal probe moving it gently over your neck and face. At the beginning of the treatment clips are placed on your ears to produce the relaxation response. Feeling completely comfortable many clients fall asleep and awaken refreshed.

Because the computerized circuitry is programmed to assess individuals’ cellular needs it has profound personalized effects in correcting and repairing cell physiology. The technique is so effective that the treatment increases ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate – the fuel of cell metabolism). This makes the facial muscles stronger and flushes out built-up toxins cleansing and rejuvenating deep into the facial skin and underlying tissue additionally stimulating collagen and elastin production. It’s amazing to witness lines and wrinkles of the face and neck disappear over a series of treatments. We can also address issues such as acne psoriasis or rosacea since it can significantly reduce inflammation. Dark circles lighten dramatically. Scar tissue can be rejuvenated and scarring reduced to invisible. Results in eliminating cellulite are immediate and lasting.

The treatment is ideal for older women 40+ as it can noticeably reshape the face–from jawline to cheekbones no Botox or other invasive techniques are necessary. The tiny muscles that have atrophied over time show dramatic improvement with treatment from the Myopulse System. The skin will look and feel fully hydrated with an incredible luminescence (that “dewey” look) which will last longer after each treatment session. Improving the appearance of your skin more and more reversing some of the damage already present as well as preventing further degenerative effects of aging is called the “cumulative effect.” Start right now to begin looking younger again getting rid of fine lines wrinkles and any other face and/or skin issue you now have.

Call to set up an evaluation and schedule your first Microcurrent  Facial.